Kokikai Aikido Ann Arbor

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

  1. What is Kokikai Aikido?
    It is a defensive, nonviolent martial art in which we use the opponent's energy rather than our own to defeat him. Thus you do not have to be really big and strong to be good at it. People of all ages and physical compostions can participate.

  2. How is it different from Yoshikai Aikido, the other club on campus?
    Kokikai is "softer" and uses less force. It is more fluid and dancelike. We recommend that you try out both clubs and see which one fits better with your personality and interests.

  3. Do I have to have any prior experience in martial arts or otherwise to join?
    NO! You don't have to know anything. You do not have to be in shape or have had any physical training. All you need is enthusiasm and interest. As you practice, you will become more flexible, stronger, more coordinated, balanced, and comfortable with the way the human body moves.

  4. What should I wear?
    Just come in track pants and a t-shirt or longsleeved sweatshirt. Please remove all jewelry including necklaces and large earrings. Simple wedding bands and small earrings are okay. You may want to invest in a Gi (uniform) if you intend to continue. These cost $35-45 and last for ever.

  5. How much does it cost?
    We charge $20 per semester. That makes us the least expensive martial arts club on campus. If you have been practicing for a while and want to be tested/join the International Aikido Federation there is a one time $20 fee. Each belt test costs $25-35 to start.

  6. How often are belt tests done?
    Testing depends upon individual attendance and progress. There are minimum time and attendance requirements. You are not tested very often. If you practice regularly expect to be tested twice in your first year. After that you will probably be tested only once a year.
Well, if you have any other questions feel free to e-mail Ashwin at tirodkar@umich.edu or Liz at fackelma@umich.edu.

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Updated Sept 13, 1999