List of accepted papers for CTCS 2002

1) S. Abramsky & B. Coecke. Physical traces: Quantum vs. classical information processing

2) J. Adamek, S. Milius & J. Velebil. On rational monads and free iterative theories

3) S. Bloom & Z. Esik. Unique, guarded fixed points in an additive setting

4) P. Boudes. Non-uniform hypercoherences

5) M. Coccia, F. Gadducci & U. Montanari. GS-Lambda theories: A syntax for higher-order graphs

6) R. Cockett & L. Santocanale. Induction, coinduction and adjoints

7) E. Haghverdi, G. Pappas & P. Tabuada. Bisimulation relations for dynamical and control systems

8) M. Hasegawa. The uniformity principle on traced monoidal categories

9) J. Hughes &. B. Jacobs. Factorization systems and fibrations

10) J. Koslowski. A monadic approach to polycategories

11) J. Laird. A categorical semantics of higher order store

12) F. Lamarche. Multiplicative linear logics and fibrations

13) P. Levy. Adjunction models for call-by-push-value with stacks

14) M. Maietti. Joyal's arithmetic universes via type theory

15) S. Milius. On iteratable endofunctors

16) L. Schröder. Classifying categories for partial equational logic

17) P. Taylor. Local compactness and the Baire category theorem in abstract Stone duality

18) K. Worytkiewicz. Paths and Simulations