Places We Will Visit In Math 2790
- Brief Tour of the World: Methods and Proof (5 tours)
- Parity
- Pigeonhole Principle
- Exploiting Symmetry
- Proof by Contradiction
- Mathematical Induction
- Brunswick, Germany: The Theory of Numbers (6 tours)
- Sequences and Series
- Sum of Cubes
- Properties of Divisors
- Perfect Numbers
- Diophantine Equations
- Pell's Equations
- Modular Arithmetic
- Quadratic Residues
- Fermat's Last Theorem for n = 4
- Alexandria, Egypt: Euclidean Geometry (5 tours)
- Comparing Areas To Solve Problems
- The Internal Angle Bisector Theorem
- Ceva's Theorem
- Special Points in a Triangle
- The Euler Line
- An Incredible "Proof" That All Triangles Are Isosceles
- Triangle theorems
- Circle theorems
- Properties of Cyclic Quadrilaterals
- The Nine-Point Circle
- St. Petersburg, Russia: Combinatorics (5 tours)
- Permutations and Combinations
- Regular and Conditional Probability
- Binomial Coefficients and Properties of Pascal's Triangle
- Counting Methods and Techniques
- Two Problems From the Price is Right game show
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Budapest, Hungary: Mathematical Gems (2 tours)
- Awesome problems with really simple solutions!