Category Theory and Computer Science (CTCS'02)
August 15th-17th, 2002
University of Ottawa

and Graduate Student Preconference August 12-14, 2002

Pictures from the conference. Thanks to all participants for a successful conference! Several people have taken pictures at the conference, and I will link to them from this page.
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The purpose of this conference series is the advancement of the foundations of computing, using the tools of category theory. While the emphasis is on applications of category theory, it is recognized that the area is highly interdisciplinary.

Category theory, after having played a major role in the development of mathematics, e.g. in algebraic geometry, has been widely applied by logicians to obtain concise interpretations of many logical concepts. On the other hand, links between logic and computer science have been developped now for over twenty years, notably via the Curry-Howard isomorphism, which identifies programs with proofs. Together, the triangle category theory-logic-computation presents a rich world of interconnections. It is the primary purpose of the CTCS conference series to explore these interconnections.

In addition to the usual three day conference, there will be a three day "preconference", which is designed to prepare students, both graduate and undergraduate, to participate in the conference. The preconference will take place from August 12-14.

This will be the ninth conference in the CTCS series, and the first in North America.

Conference proceedings have appeared in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 69. Paper copies of the proceedings were distributed to participants at the conference.


Note: There will be an opening reception in the lounge of the Mathematics Building, at 585 King Edward Avenue, on Wednesday, August 14th from 7:30-9:30. Participants will be able to register at that time. For directions to the Mathematics Building, see the Local Directions.


  • Registration form: Postscript, PDF, LaTeX, Text.
  • Dormitory registration: please contact the local organizers.
  • Hotel Information: see the Call for Participation.
Invited speakers:
Eric Goubault (CEA/Saclay)
Guy McCusker (Sussex)
Peter Selinger (Ottawa)
Paul Syverson (NRL)

Program committee:
Rick Blute, Chair (Ottawa)
Robin Cockett (Calgary)
Thierry Coquand (Chalmers)
Andrea Corradini (Pisa)
Thomas Ehrhard (Luminy)
Ryu Hasegawa (Tokyo)
Martin Hofmann (Munich)
Bart Jacobs (Nijmegen)
Michael Johnson (Macquarie)
Dusko Pavlovic (Kestrel Institute)
Alex Simpson (Edinburgh)

Organizing Committee:
E. Moggi, Chair (Genova)
S. Abramsky (Oxford)
P. Dybjer (Chalmers)
B. Jay (Sydney)
A. Pitts (Cambridge)

Local organizers:
R. Blute, P. Scott

Conference email:

April 19: Submission deadline
May 20: Notification of authors of accepted papers
June 30: Early Registration

Accepted papers:
Titles, Schedule

Registration form:
Postscript, PDF, LaTeX, Text.

Last updated: Aug 12, 2003 by Peter Selinger